American Baptist Women’s Sunday is traditionally observed on the third Sunday of September, although you are encouraged to schedule at the time of year that works best for your setting. This is a wonderful opportunity to lift up the ministries of women and girls in your congregation, area/association, region/state, and nationally. Include women and girls of a variety of ages in the planning and leadership of this worship service. Consider having a reception following the service to allow the opportunity to greet visitors and make connections with women and girls who may not yet be part of the active ministry.
Suggested Elements to use in your Women's Sunday Service:
Theme - Iron Sharpens Iron
Scripture - As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another -- Proverbs 27:17 NIV
Sermon - Consider using a woman pastor or guest woman speaker.
Call To Worship
As we come together today, let us remember that God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere, but they all originate from the same Lord. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere, but our God is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is. So, let us strengthen and sharpen each other as we worship together today.
Oh God, we wait upon you this morning. Please, LORD, silence the noise of the world around us and quiet our hearts and minds so that we can draw nearer together as women of your Kingdom. Fill this place with your Holy Spirit to illuminate us. Use us, God, use every one of us. Use us as examples of Christian living. May we demonstrate to the world around us that you are the LORD, our God and that we love you with our hearts, our souls, and our minds. All these things we ask from the bottom of our hearts. Amen
Special Offering to American Baptist Women's Ministries
Gift American Baptist Women's Ministries with a gift for 70 memorable years of ministry with women and girls! Honor the past by supporting the present and ensuring the future! Gifts allow ABWM to continue providing free webinars, scholarships for events, programs, resources, and leader training for ministries with women and girls in your church, area, and region. Give by:
Venmo @abwomensministries
text ABWM to 44321
online by credit card,
mail a check payable to "American Baptist Women's Ministries" to American Baptist Women's Ministries, 1075 First Ave STE C-210, King of Prussia, PA 19406
Offering Invitation
Giving is an act of faith. We believe that what we have to offer makes a difference in this world. But more than that, we believe in the One who is behind our giving. We may not "see" God with these "eyes of flesh"; we may find it difficult even to catch a glimpse of what God may be doing around us and in us. Likewise, we may not see the effect of what we give, of what we do for Christ. But still, we believe, trusting in the faithful One, whose "new mercies" we often can only see by faith, day by day. I invite you, my sisters in Christ, to give now as an act of faith.
Prayer Offering
We have voices, O Lord. They are yours. Empower us not only to speak as Christians should but to reveal the Christ behind the Christian.
We have hands, O Lord. They are yours. Guide us to use them for your Glory, in prayer, and in compassion.
We have hearts, O Lord. They are yours. Help us to love you beyond our natural ability and to do likewise for those who need you in us.
All that we have, and all that we are, all is yours. May we become ever more faithful in what we say & do, through God who first was faithful to us. In Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Corporate Prayer
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth.
You have set your glory above the heavens, and we are thankful to you, Lord.
Lord, may you continue to bless this earth and all of its creations.
We thank you today, Lord, for bringing us together one more time to give honor and glory to your name.
We ask for your blessings on this ministry of American Baptist Women's.
We ask that you bless us as we carry out the duties and mission of this ministry.
We ask, oh Lord, that we continue to be a blessing to you and the vast communities we all serve.
Bless us, oh Lord, and enlarge our territory.
As we move forward in all of our endeavors, we ask that you bless us, Lord.
We ask blessings upon every woman who participates in all areas of ABWM.
We ask, oh Lord, that you bless our families lives.
We ask blessings upon the leadership of ABWM; in particular, we ask blessings for Executive Director Rev. Dr. Gina Jacobs-Strain.
We pray, oh Lord, that you continue to strengthen her and guide her along the way.
We ask that you order her steps in your will and in your way, oh Lord.
We ask blessings upon her staff and give everyone clear direction, oh Lord.
We ask for blessings and healing upon our land, oh Lord.
We ask for blessings for all our leaders all over this land, oh Lord.
When it's all said and done, we pray that you will speak these words to us, "
a job well done, my good and faithful servants."
In Jesus' name, we pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father,
As we come to the end of our time together, we wish to thank you for walking beside us every step of the way.
You call us by name, see our joys and our sorrows. Lord, you have given us sharp minds that can solve problems and possibilities.
Guide us, Heal us, Touch us.
As we embrace your love while continue to serve in your ministry.
The program elements were written by the 70th Birthday Celebration Committee of American Baptist Women's Ministries.